Editor’s Note: The following remark was made on The NEWS’ group, The NEWS Network, on LinkedIn, regarding recommending companies in other trades.
Making Matches, then Bowing Out
We recommend companies all the time. Some of our offers are formal. We have agreements that define expectations and, at times, provide a revenue-sharing opportunity. Most of our referrals are not revenue sharing and are intended to make sure that whatever party needed the service receives the support they need. Usually, we make the contact between the parties and then extricate ourselves and let them work out their deal.
Although some arrangements have gone astray, the vast majority have worked out well.
Ted Atwood
President at Polar Technology
Greater Nashville Area
Energy Consumption Is Not on the Way Down
I was reading the April 15 issue again, and this time I stumbled on the article “Survey Shows Residential HVAC Energy Consumption Dips Below 50 Percent.” There is no way this is true.
Here in the South, all refrigeration equipment used since ’93 has done nothing but leak refrigerant and consume more energy.
The HVAC industry is the biggest racket going. Our customers buy subpar equipment that runs their energy consumption through the roof. I have watched the whole game unfold personally. We need a true grading system to grade how our energy-consuming devices are made.
We make junk that needs major repairs at any given time. Being green we strive? What a joke. Wake up people. Let’s stop the junk madness.
Kenneth T. Lang
A&A Heating & Cooling Inc.
Chattanooga, Tenn.
Publication date: 10/7/2013
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