In This Podcast:
Kurt Wessling |
Kurt Wessling, director of sales, Jackson Systems, discusses how the company’s new barometric zone damper (BZD) eliminates the need for a bypass damper in residential zoning systems, and more.
Q: Can you tell us about your barometric zone damper?
A: Our barometric zone damper, or BZD, is one of the latest products available in the zoning segment. We’re very excited about this product and feel it will revolutionize the zoning market as it currently sits. The BZD is a hybrid or combination of a traditional zone damper with the static-relieving conditions of a barometric bypass damper. We’ve been able to combine the benefits of both of those dampers and create a product that is fantastic for the contractor so that the homeowner can benefit. The BZD will be powered open or closed based on the demand of the thermostat in a particular zone. The big benefit of the BZD has to do with the weighted arm on the end of the blade, which holds the blade in place. Right when the static pressure approaches the level of noisy – about 3 inches of water column — it is able to overcome that weight, opening the blade for a short amount of time to release a small amount of air into the space, overcoming the noise issues. However, we won’t allow enough air through to overheat or cool the space within the zone.
Q: Is this product easy for contractors to install?
A: There is a lot of thinking in the industry that zoning is more difficult to install than it is. But, it’s really not that difficult. (Regarding zoning) Bypassing the increased static pressure is one concern that contractors have expressed. They face several issues in that regard, including space. In a traditional bypass situation, you have to run separate ductwork between the supply and return, adding an additional barometric bypass damper along with that. Sometimes, the physical space to do that is not available. Secondly, contractors have an issue setting up or configuring the bypass damper correctly so that it is bypassing the proper amount of air. While not difficult, it can be somewhat confusing because you are using a weighted arm and you are making some manual adjustments along the way. Anytime that amount of subjectivity is at play, there can be some issues. And, of course, there is an added cost for labor in adding an extra duct run, and the time it takes to adjust that. Our BZD eliminates these concerns, taking the guesswork out of the installation for the contractor.
Kurt Wessling
Director of Sales, Jackson Systems
Publication date: 11/4/2013
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