Editor’s Note: The following remarks were made on The NEWS’ group, The NEWS Network, on LinkedIn, regarding whether or not your contracting company has an in-house gym.
Being Healthy Keeps Your Energy Up
Ours does! We are residential! A nice one at that. If you are too tired, it’s possible it’s a health issue. We’ve found that keeping everyone healthy keeps our energy up. Besides, we need to look [good] in front of our customers.
Editor’s Note: The following remarks were made on The NEWS’ group, The NEWS Network, on LinkedIn, regarding if your company is good at performing its work, why do you need to advertise.
Mike Nicklaus
Service Manager
Lotshaw Air Conditioning & Heating Co. Inc.
Riverside, Calif.
Taking the Minimalist Approach to Marketing
That’s an interesting question. My issue with advertising has always been the cost and how you measure your results. I’ve been a few places, but never anywhere that has been real aggressive in marketing. I think it can be effective, but I also wonder the type of customers marketing attracts.
With this in mind, I’ve taken more of a minimal approach to marketing, but I know there are success stories out there. Some of the best things I have done have been canvassing, ads in smaller local papers, and telemarketing.
Steven Wobig
General Manager
Central Carolina Air Conditioning
Greensboro/Winston-Salem, N.C. Area
Replacing A/C Units in Constrained Spaces
Something I am not seeing addressed in the energy upgrades are apartments where replacing the indoor section is not possible, due to size constraints. At the current time, if a compressor fails we can replace the condenser with a new 13-SEER dry unit, and we will gain a little energy savings. But, when the standard is raised to 14.5, we won’t be able to replace condensers any longer, meaning it [the unit] will just get a compressor, not saving any energy.
Can you please do a story on this and what does the DOE have planned for this problem?
Alex Tiner
Comfort Consultant
Jon Wayne Heating & Air Conditioning
San Antonio
If you would like to send a letter to the editor, go to www.achrnews.com/letters or send an email to letters@achrnews.com and include your name, title, company, city, state/province, and daytime phone number.
Also, you can join us on LinkedIn at The NEWS Network group to share your thoughts, which might run in The NEWS, too.
Publication date: 4/21/2014
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