As a consumer, it’s easy to identify people who actually enjoy their jobs. They’re genuinely happy, friendly, and usually very helpful. When you work for a great company that provides a great environment, pay, and benefits, it’s easy to find joy in an occupation.

The other day, my husband and I were checking out at the local grocery store. The clerk noticed our rival college football shirts and proceeded to laugh and tease us. See, while I’m a Michigan State University graduate, my husband is a diehard University of Michigan fan. We bicker about this every fall.

“Wow, opposites really do attract,” said the clerk, who later confessed she, too, was a U of M fan. I laughed and said it was okay, no one is perfect. We left the store smiling. My husband commented how her pleasant attitude turned a routine trip to the store into a an enjoyable experience.

Happy employees go above and beyond to create happy customers. And happy customers return to the same locales for that very reason, and they’re much likelier to encourage their friends and family to do the same.


In January, The NEWS will once again honor the best HVACR contracting employees through its annual Best Contractor to Work For contest. Each year, we honor great companies that have done a phenomenal job when it comes to taking care of their employees. Their leadership truly makes their businesses the best places to work.

So, you may wonder how we pick the winners of such a contest. Well, we get our information straight from hard-working HVAC employees across the country, as contractors are nominated by their employees. When they submit their nominations, employees are asked a variety of questions ranging from how much training the company does to the benefits it offers its employees to community activities and donations. We then score the submissions and choose a winner to represent all four corners of the country.

There are several advantages to being named a Best Contractor to Work for by The NEWS. One of which is recruiting new talent amidst a growing labor shortage. When given the choice, what employee wouldn’t want to work for a company heralded as one of the best in the country? Leave the article laying in the reception area for people to read, put the award on display, and make note of it on your company website. Let the award do some of your recruiting for you.  

Does your work environment encourage growth, opportunity, recognition, education, and a winning attitude for all employees? Then I encourage you to nominate your company as a 2016 Best Contractor to Work For. To enter, visit and create an account. We’ve updated our contest form, so visitors will have to create a new account with the new system. Once you’ve signed up, simply answer all the questions and click “submit.” Be sure to share why the contracting company you work for should be named the best around. It only takes a few minutes. Plus, what better way to suck up to the boss than to put his or her company on the cover of a national trade magazine with the headline “Best Contractor to Work For.”

The contest is open through Nov. 23. The winners will be announced and featured in the Jan. 30, 2017, issue of The NEWS, which will be distributed on the floor of the 2017 AHR Expo in Las Vegas. Four U.S. contractors will be chosen to represent the best of the best. For more information about the contest, visit

Publication date: 9/26/2016

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