Nothing To Fear
Mark Skaer’s “R” word editorial (“The ‘R’ Word Is Coming, The ‘R’ Word Is Coming,” Oct. 1) is interesting, but in my opinion, good contractors have nothing to fear — that is, except themselves.We control the effects any economic downturns might have on us. If we retain a positive attitude, see the good (there is much more good than bad) in the times, go out and sell rather than waste our time and energy complaining, we will continue to see the best of times.
Such are our opportunities to be creative, more productive, innovative, and better than ever before. But, if we dwell on negatives, we will feel and experience what we deserve for being negative.
Positiveness! Optimism! See opportunity and challenge to win! What more could we ask for?
Aaron York, Sr. Aaron York’s Quality A/C Indianapolis, IN
P.S. There is no less need for our products or services today. Actually, we are needed more to control costs.
Don’t Get In Over Your Heads
I appreciate The News’ consid-eration of how mechanical contractors can be of service to building owners. However, we should keep in mind that most are not certified or have any accreditation in the fields of IAQ or medicine.It seems to me that we would expose ourselves to a great responsibility to protect lives in a building if we made such a claim to protect them, made contracts, and executed a contract.
If an attempt is made to kill people in a building and that attempt fails because of the work of a mechanical contractor, everyone will be very happy. If the assailants are successful and people die, I’m not sure if the mechanical contractor would even want to stay in the United States with a failure like that.
Regardless, I think we should do what we are told to do by a professional that can take the responsibility of our work and the outcomes.
Nabeel H. Hamden AIRCO500 Princeton, WV