Talking Politics
I read this article [“Estate Tax Bill Dies Quietly After Clinton’s Veto,” Sept. 18, 2000] after just reading a previous article inThe Newswhere the owner was giving the unions credit for the available workforce.These are the same unions that give money to the Democratic Party and made it possible for Clinton to win the White House and veto this bill.
Probably some of the same people that were not pleased with Clinton’s veto voted for him and are probably planning to vote for Al Gore.
If hvacr owners are really interested in getting the estate bill passed, they will demand that their unions stop supporting those candidates that did not support this bill, and encourage their employees to get out and vote this party out of office.
Ron Norman
Charlotte, NC
Perception Is Everything
In regard to the recent article [“Pittsburgh Independent Skeptical of Consolidation,” September 18, 2000] concerning consolidation and A-Comfort of Pittsburgh, it seems Mr Rhule is guilty of many of the things he attributes to his competitors. There was not one mention of employee remuneration or benefits.He credits himself with predicting Lennox purchasing Service Experts, but most of his statements are contradictions. Mr. Rhule disparages his competitors’ trucks, but shows his expensive electronic sign. This shows where his priorities lie. Perception counts for a lot in any business. The only thing A-Comfort is expert in is shameless self-promotion.
He goes on to state that his main concern is himself. After discounting the consolidators, he goes on to say he may go that route [sell his company to consolidators]. No doubt he would, to the highest bidder, of course.
His condescending attitude towards other contractors is pejorative and tendentious. He is precisely what is wrong with this industry, and many other trades. The only thing they value is avarice. Employees are expendable. They know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.
Bill Wytiaz
Littleton, CO
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Publication date: 10/30/2000