Read the latest developments and trends in HVAC business management, from employee satisfaction and customer relations, to marketing and talent acquisition.
When you think of making an investment, what is the deciding factor on whether or not you will make a good choice? Would you agree that it’s the rate of return you receive? Now shift to the investments you’re making in training for your employees. What type of return are you getting?
Take a listen to the way your company answers the telephone. Not just the half-an-ear listen as you walk by their workspace. Really take the time to hear how you sound to your customers.
I get questions about interviewing all the time. Something that comes up over and over again is how to figure out if an employee really wants the job. We all know that someone who needs work will say whatever it takes to land the gig.
Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw once stated, “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” Have you ever found this to ring true as you think back on some of your conversations with your employees?
Have you ever told your team what you want your company to sound like? Seriously, what do you want your business to sound like on the phone? If this is a foreign concept to you I am challenging you to put some thought into it.
Have you ever found yourself frustrated with trying to get your techs to implement a new process or hit performance targets? Have you thought, “I don’t know what else to do; I’ve trained them, I’ve told them, I’ve asked them, and I’ve even begged them, but they still won’t do it?” If so, keep reading; we’re going to discuss this issue.
Owners and managers take note; weather is happening. This might sound silly, but good and bad weather is all around us all the time and yet we wait to react until things get extreme. This behavior really needs to stop.
Meetings can be very powerful forums for delivering important information and training to your team; however, if executed ineffectively, they can be a huge waste of time and money.
Do your employees believe in your company? Your people can’t sell your company unless they do. This is especially true for your customer service personnel. One of the keys to improving their performance is to get them to believe in your company.
Problems usually happen when you’re too focused on the results and fail to recognize all the activities that are leading up to those results. That’s why it’s important to take the time to identify, measure, and address.
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Great article
Agree Completly
Butch Welsch
People who really want the job are the...
Nexstar Network Training Implementation Coach