The ZigBee Alliance, an association of companies creating, maintaining, and delivering open, global standards for the low-power wireless Internet of Things (IoT), and the Thread Group, an organization focused on making Thread the foundation for the IoT in the home and beyond, announced that multiple members of both organizations have demonstrated prototypes that run the ZigBee Alliance’s universal language for smart devices on Thread networks.
The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)® and LONMARK International announced that two of their standards — ANSI/CEA-709.5 and ANSI/CEA 709.6 — are now approved American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards for home and building automation.
The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)® and LonMark International have announced two new standards for home and building automation. The organizations said these standards provide a mechanism to develop a higher level of device-to-device interoperability using any open control networking communication platform.
The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) announced that CEA-2047, CE-Energy Usage Information, has been approved as a new CEA standard. This standard enables devices such as air conditioning systems to communicate how much energy they use to consumers’ computers, mobile devices, and energy management services., a leading connected home technology provider, announced that it won the Consumer Electronics Association’s (CEA) Mark of Excellence Award for its Geo-Services technology.