M-TriGen Inc., a manufacturer of micro-combined cooling, heating, and power generation (MCCHP) equipment, has announced the launch of three new models of its trigeneration products following authorization by Intertek to mark them for ETL standards.
Companies with energy-intensive electroplating and surface finishing processes not only have high levels of energy consumption, but they also need vast quantities of process heat and cooling for production. Combined heat and power (CHP) units with thermally driven cooling systems are particularly effective in these instances.
Held at the University of Wollongong, the Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Airconditioning and Heating’s (AIRAH’s) Solar Heating and Cooling Workshop stoked the interest, ideas, and debate surrounding the emerging technology.
Cavitation Energy Systems (CES) has announced the filing of a provisional patent (69935), entitled “Cavitation Engine,” that the company said describes the first commercially viable system capable of harnessing the power of cavitation to produce energy at a fraction of the cost of using conventional technology.
At the new Horseshoe Casino Baltimore, a significant portion of the $442 million development’s energy, heating and cooling needs will be provided by a combined heat, power and cooling (CHP) trigeneration system.
Two new energy centers in London’s Stratford City and Kings Yard areas are ready to supply 10 MW of efficient power, heating, and cooling for the London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games as well as East London’s businesses and residential areas after the Games conclude using GE cogeneration units.