The proposed Addendum B would correct definitions for “Two-Speed Heat Pump Sizing Condition” and “Variable-Capacity Equipment Sizing Condition” to be consistent with the sizing condition requirements in the standard.
The Manual D procedures match duct system resistance (pressure drop) to blower performance (as defined by the HVAC system manufacturer’s blower performance tables). This delivers appropriate airflow to the rooms and spaces to be conditioned while ensuring that system airflow is compatible with the operating range of the HVAC equipment.
ARLINGTON, Virginia – The Air Conditioning Contractors of America Educational Institute Standards Task Team announced the release of the revised ANSI/ACCA 11 Manual Zr – 2018 (Residential Zoning).
ACCA announced that it has developed a curriculum especially for teaching students how to do a load calculation using the Manual J8ae Speedsheet. This new curriculum is available for free download at
The Air Conditioning Contractors of America Educational Institute (ACCA-EI) Standards Task Team (STT) has announced an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) public review period for Addendum E to ANSI/ACCA 2 Manual J - 2011.
The ACCA Educational Institute (ACCA-EI) Standards Task Team (STT) has announced a third American National Standards Institute (ANSI) public review period for BSR/ACCA 3 Manual S - 201x, Residential Equipment Selection as a revised and redesignated industry standard.