“More heating-degree days year-to-year helped produce sales growth in all seven of our regions during January,” said Brian Loftus, HARDI’s macroeconomic and residential market analyst.
“Without the participation of our members and industry partners, this change could have had a sweeping impact on the HVACR industry nationwide," said Todd Titus, HARDI's director of state and public affairs.
Conversations with several HVACR distribution professionals indicate a cautious optimism for growth in the sector in 2025, though they say the year will not be without its challenges.
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has delayed enforcing the bulk refrigerant sales prohibition by three months, until Wednesday, April 9, 2025. It is also allowing, until the end of the year, the sale of two common refrigerants used by supermarkets, restaurants, and convenience stores.
With interest rates coming down, less political uncertainty, and trillions in capital on the sidelines, M&A activity should pick up this year, according to one expert.
There’s been steady growth in the popularity of heat pumps overall, but their attractiveness varies across different market segments, according to an HVAC executive who follows the trends.
Generative AI can analyze contracts, take dictation, write sales scripts, create customer profiles, and much more, a software consultant told a crowd during the recent HARDI conference.