The FL-10 LED FlowBar system maximizes air diffuser performance while giving architects and designers greater aesthetic freedom than conventional air supply diffusers, a press release from Titus said.
This product line is powered by both ambient light and direct sunlight. The variable air volume (VAV) diffuser can be used with thermostats and is completely wireless, enabling maximum comfort, greater efficiency, and simplified installation.
TJD is a standard OMNI diffuser designed specifically to address low air volume codes. The TJD performs at 20-50 cfms and throws air at 50 feet per minute up to nine feet from the diffuser.
The TLFR Laminar Flow Diffuser for critical environments has been designed to comply with industry standard ASHRAE 170, offering important safeguards for surgical patients.
Airvector presents the PLAY adjustable sectors diffuser. PLAY is the only air diffuser allowing full horizontal airflow adjustment. Each independent sector’s direction can be adjusted quickly and easily from the face without affecting the vertical flow.
Most new installations of grilles and diffusers involve a suspended ceiling grid, but some installations require surface mounting. Square ceiling diffusers and filter grilles can present the biggest challenge. Here are some recommended guidelines and solutions.
Sweating presents itself in an air distribution system as moisture that forms on the faces of lay-in diffusers and T-bar grids adjacent to those diffusers, where this moisture collects and drips into the areas below. While sweating may be a simple annoyance, it may also be potentially dangerous. Either way, it is a symptom of a larger problem.
The Criti-Clean fan filter unit (FFU), a fan-powered laminar flow HEPA filter diffuser, is a computer-controlled FFU. It features a variable-speed electronically commutated motor, stainless steel construction, and an all-welded plenum built to meet the latest pressure testing standards.