New Yorker Electronics announced its new distribution franchise agreement with Raltron Electronics, a manufacturer of a broad range of frequency control products.
How do the HVACR manufacturers and distributors working in the market today rate their current supply chain partnerships and the future of two-step distribution?
Rhodes and Stafford Inc. will serve as a manufacturer’s representative in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and Washington, D.C.
Let’s face it, the relationship between HVAC manufacturers and distributors could use some work, but times are changing. This relationship is essential to our industry’s growth, and it should be mutually beneficial.
“I always disliked being called the middleman," said Mike Riley, president, Riley Sales. "If that is what a manufacturer and/or the contractor thinks of a wholesale distributor, then the relationship will always be bad."
DT spoke with a handful of contractors and distributors who experienced exceptional success in 2018 and asked them what worked in 2018, what didn't, and how things are shaping up in 2019 and beyond.