The annual "Women in HVAC" event engages and supports women in the industry by sharing trending industry topics and addressing their unique challenges.
The recent Women in HVACR conference offered sessions aimed at advancing attendees' knowledge on industry topics such as the refrigerant transition, as well as building their leadership skills.
Members of the Women in HVACR board work with the executive team to guide the organization’s direction, oversee financial management, and ensure legal and ethical integrity.
All of these women have made a mark on the HVAC industry and continue to do so. While they serve in different areas of the industry, each is making a contribution to both improve the industry and make it a more welcoming career for females.
Make sure you have some thick skin and don’t take offense to social biases that you’ll eventually run in to. Women can do anything they set their minds to — just set your mind to it and do it.
I strongly believe that there should be more bold and in-your-face advertising campaigns directed towards women in the trades. This marketing strategy needs to drive it home, to everyone, that there are massive and inclusive employment opportunities in the trades.
My advice is simple: Don’t be afraid to pursue this industry if you have a passion for it. The HVACR field is full of opportunities, and your technical skills, creativity, and leadership can make a significant impact.