This meter has been built to last, offering long-term stability and robust built quality for field use. It measures AC/DC voltage, current (A, mA, μA), and resistance/continuity for electronic system troubleshooting.
This digital multimeter is capable of data logging and storage for up to 10 sets of 40,000 scalar measurements, with a recall function for data review.
To avoid misleading readings from stray static voltage present from capacitive coupling, these meters offer a low-impedance mode, also called “LoZ,” that allows users to verify a circuit is not actually energized.
Model GDM-8261A is a high-precision 6 ½-digit digital multimeter with dual measurement displays, 11 measurement functions, and 10 highly accurate math functions (35 parts per million [ppm] dc voltage accuracy) to accommodate the most frequently performed parameter measurements in many application fields.
Fluke Corp. has announced the “My First Fluke” program, which allows students actively enrolled in technical or vocational schools, colleges, universities, apprenticeship programs or high schools in the United States to purchase one Fluke tool at a 25 percent discount.