This recirculation pump incorporates with variable-speed control and built-in control algorithms that can adapt to continuously changing system requirements. Featuring on-demand mode, this pump includes a sensorless demand-based control that allows users to obtain instant hot water when needed.
The Circulator Pumps Working Group is an offshoot of the Commercial/Industrial Pumps Working Group, which convened two years ago to set standards on larger pumps.
While older circulator pumps utilized single-speed motors and were largely inefficient, advances in motor technology, controls, and pump design have transformed the market and ushered in a new era of highly efficient products that feature variable-speed motors, easy installation and setup, remote connectivity, and more.
From the outside, the 1920s villa in the seaside community of Newport, Rhode Island, appears as any other historic home in the neighborhood. But inside the 15,000-square-foot house, the heating system is state-of-the-art — including Wi-Fi and remote programming capabilities — powered by a Bell & Gossett (B&G) pump system.
The ecocirc XL is a high efficiency large wet rotor circulator pump for commercial heating and cooling systems, hot water applications, solar thermal systems, and ground source heat pumps.