Harris polled some of their internal experts and developed a list of items that contractors and customers alike can consider as low or no cost first steps towards greener buildings and healthier bottom lines.
Superseding AMCA Publication 511-21, AMCA Publication 511-21 (Rev. 12-22) outlines technical procedures and the proper presentation of data for the certification of air-control devices through the AMCA Certified Ratings Program (CRP).
In their article entitled “Do OA Economizers Make ‘Cents’ in Hospitals?” Koenigshofer and Roberts detail the costs and savings of utilizing outside air economizers in hospital ventilation systems. They concluded that these systems do not make “cents” in hospitals. The findings have major implications for building codes throughout the U.S.
Economizers used in rooftop units and air handlers are multipurpose devices that can improve both the energy efficiency and indoor environment in a wide range of commercial buildings.
The annual awards competition honors the most inventive and original products, systems, and technologies showcased at each year’s AHR Expo in 10 categories.
Available on 2- to 6-ton horizontal and vertical Versatec Base, Versatec Ultra Envision2 Compact, and 7- to 25-ton horizontal and vertical Envision XL products, this new option allows the use of a building’s interior loop water to provide “free” cooling.
The FAMCO IAQ Economizer™ kit is a control system designed to provide cutting-edge economizing, free-cooling, and IAQ functionality to split-system air conditioning systems by using external air to reduce internal temperatures. It allows low temperatures to be realized at times when they can be achieved using less energy.