The primary question being asked in the proposed rule, Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: Revisions to the Refrigerant Management Program’s Extension to Substitutes, is whether or not the EPA has the authority to regulate anything beyond ozone-depleting substances (ODS).
On Sept. 18, the EPA issued the proposed rule, which would rescind leak repair, maintenance, and reporting requirements for appliances and HVACR systems containing 50 or more pounds of substitute refrigerants. Included in the proposed rule was a request for comments on other Section 608 provisions, including the possibility of allowing anyone to purchase, handle, charge, and recover substitute refrigerants.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a pre-publication version of a proposal to expand and amend the National Recycling and Emission Reduction Program, also known as the Section 608 program, which governs the handling, use, and sale of ozone-depleting (ODS) compounds used as refrigerants.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a pre-publication version of a proposal to expand and amend the National Recycling and Emission Reduction Program, also known as the Section 608 program, which governs the handling, use, and sale of ozone depleting (ODS) compounds used as refrigerants.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is considering changes to its Section 608 requirements for refrigerant handling, including technician certification. The changes being considered would subject HFC refrigerants to the same handling regulations that are currently imposed on CFCs and HCFCs.
The Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy has submitted a petition for rulemaking to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that seeks to include HFCs under the provisions of Title VI, Section 608 of the Clean Air Act intended to reduce refrigerant gas emissions.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has published a notice in the Federal Register proposing to exempt three hydrocarbon refrigerants from the venting, release, and disposal prohibitions of Section 608 of the Clean Air Act.