With Windham Hospital swapping to engine-driven cooling, they are expected to save 200 tons of carbon emissions annually by using natural gas directly and efficiently.
Even as the economy has improved, some building owners and operators remain hesitant to make large capital expenditures to replace older chiller systems. In these cases, there are less expensive options available that can enable decision makers to achieve substantial efficiency upgrades by retrofitting their chillers.
The Ontario Power Authority (OPA) has announced updates to the saveONenergy Retrofit Program that provide additional financial incentives for Ontario businesses to reduce energy used by lighting, HVAC systems, refrigeration systems, and building plug loads.
Live Active Leisure needed to replace its existing system due to the legally imposed phaseout of HCFCs in the United Kingdom. Johnson Controls proposed the installation of an air-cooled ammonia chiller complete with heat recovery and a very low ammonia charge due to the location being close to a pedestrians’ footpath.
Star Refrigeration designed and built Rogerstone Park’s existing refrigeration system in 1999 and extended the plant’s cooling capacity in 2005. In 2013, Star was again chosen to further extend the refrigeration capacity as part of an expansion plan at the site.
While it may never be possible for an HVAC contractor to chill out on the job, installing and servicing chillers continues to be easier and easier, as, according to several manufacturers, today’s chillers are being designed with the contractor in mind.