The two donated Airedale ClassMate packaged units were installed in the football team's fieldhouse at Parry McCluer High School in Buena Vista, Virginia.
"We wanted to help children start the school year off on a positive note," said Kimberly Raduenz, manager of strategic marketing at Modine’s IAQ division.
Modine's offer to schools of Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization Technology was prompted by recent Canadian wildfires, which have created smoke that has blanketed significant portions of the U.S.
Modine Manufacturing Company, a provider of heating solutions in the HVAC industry, was recently recognized by HARDI for its 60-year participation in the HARDI conference.
Modine Coatings is partnering with Air Solutions Partners to expand access to the GulfCoat Contractor Series product line and the Insitu Spray Applied Coating Services.
Modine Coatings is partnering with Wright Sales to expand access to the GulfCoat Contractor Series product line and the Insitu Spray Applied Coating Services.
Modine Coatings is partnering with Target Sales to expand access to the GulfCoat Contractor Series product line and the Insitu Spray Applied Coating Services.