Distributors can create a market advantage for themselves and their customers by responding to shifts in consumer behaviors as well as providing marketing and advertising options that are aligned with current trends.
For our inaugural issue of Distribution Trends, we’ve assembled a panel of some of HVACR distribution’s most recognizable leaders — individuals who have their pulse on trends of today and aren’t afraid to set the tone of tomorrow.
“Helping others drives me more than any materialistic thing ever could,” Guy said. “If you value helping others, any work that you do is purposeful in the growth of yourself.”
According to a Marketplace Study by the Incentive Federation, between the years 2013 and 2015, the use of channel rewards among businesses rose 15 percent, with companies spending upwards of $17 billion on channel programs alone.
While only 27, his HVAC resume includes five years of counter sales, two years of inside sales, two years as e-commerce director, and one year as territory manager.