Dickson: Humidity, Temp. Chart Recorders
The Graph-at-a-Glance flat panel temperature and humidity data loggers are designed to provide real-time data and the ability to download data for further analysis. They are paperless chart recorders that provide a digital graph enabling users to immediately visualize environmental trends that have potentially affected HVAC system functioning. Models FT300 and FT325 are temperature-only units; and models FH 320 and FH325 are designed to record temperature and humidity. Features include flash memory card data transfer capability, 4.5 by 3.4-inch (114.3 by 86.36-mm) display screen, user-defined display settings, 32-kB storage, USB-enabled triple speed downloading, and audio/visual alarms.
Dickson, Attn: Customer Service, 930 South Westwood Ave., Addison, IL 60101; 800-757-3747 or 630-543-3747; 630-543-0498 (fax); dicksoncsr@dicksondata.com; www.dicksondata.com
eProduct 189