Providing operators the ability to control temperature and humidity independently, the DryCool™ Standard Dedicated Outdoor Air System (DOAS) is designed to cost effectively treat 100 percent makeup air. The system can work in conjunction with an existing a/c system or energy recovery ventilator (ERV). It controls humidity on an as-needed basis, when humidity levels exceed set point. DryCool Standard operates cost efficiently because all of the energy required for the operation of its desiccant dehumidifier is recycled from cooling components. The system can process between 1,000 and 16,000 cfm of makeup air. The DOAS utilizes waste condenser heat to reactivate the desiccant wheel. This qualifies it as an energy recovery device using site-recovered energy to boost the moisture removal capacity of the system at reduced cooling tonnage. Since one circuit provides all the reactivation energy the DOAS needs to continuously satisfy desired supply air conditions, these units are also available as split systems, water-, and chilled-water cooled versions. All configurations can include winter heating options utilizing gas, electric, hot water, and steam.
Air conditioning system technology has evolved to take advantage of new compressor technologies and environmentally-friendly refrigerants, so the course will provide attendees with the knowledge needed to be proficient and successful with the advanced technology. Proper service techniques and failure avoidance practices are presented in the Emerson Educational Services class.
Munters offers climate solutions for mission-critical processes that require exact control of moisture and temperature, with energy efficiency and sustainable climate systems in focus.