NetSecure Technologies: Mobile Credit Card Acceptance Terminal
December 5, 2011
With SmartSwipe encryption technology to keep transactions secure, the Kudos mobile credit card acceptance terminal allows contractors to securely accept payments on the job. The terminal plugs into phones and computers without costly equipment or monthly fees. Users can begin accepting credit card payments for a flat percentage rate plus a set amount per transaction with no monthly or on-going fees, and no limit on the amount of transactions. Kudos comes equipped with a swipe terminal (a card reader compatible with iOS, Android, and Blackberry), point-of-sale software, and a merchant account.
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System protectors, valves, controls, chemicals and lubricants for industrial, supermarket, appliance, commercial, residential and mobile air conditioning and refrigeration applications. Signature brands included Sporlan, R/S, HERL, Micro Thermo Technologies.
System protectors, valves and controls for industrial, supermarket, appliance, commercial, residential and mobile air conditioning and refrigeration applications. Signature brands include Sporlan, R/S, HERL, Micro Thermo Technologies.
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