The YORK® YVWA water-cooled screw chiller features energy-saving variable-speed technology. The design of the chiller, with energy-saving variable-speed technology, helps cut energy costs and carbon emissions by as much as 30 percent, said the company. The chiller’s efficiencies reduce electric consumption, and maintain the core attributes of flexibility and affordability. The variable-speed drive saves energy during the 99 percent of operating hours spent at off-design conditions, when building loads and/or tower-water temperatures are lower. The YVWA increases sustainability by using HFC-134a refrigerant, which has zero ozone-depletion potential and no phaseout date. According to the manufacturer, its proprietary falling-film evaporator reduces the chiller’s refrigerant charge by as much as 30 percent compared to conventional designs. The chiller can be used in both thermal storage and heat pump applications. Its flexibility also allows the chiller to utilize a wide range of heat rejection methods, including an open cooling tower, dry cooler, adiabatic cooler, heat recovery, or heat pump.
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