Company Name: Jacobs Heating & Air Conditioning Inc.
President: Brent Jacobs
Annual Cost: Approximately $15,000, including SEO, new content development, analytics monitoring, and review.
Company CFO Mick Desserault’s Goals: “We want customers to know we have a high level of professionalism throughout the company, significant breadth and depth of experience across different construction sectors, comfort and experience with emerging technologies and marquee projects, and significant history and time in our market. We made it a priority to include background information on leadership staff, specific points of contact for products/services provided, a photo gallery, and press releases of recent notable projects.”
Professional Opinion: Overall score: 80
“I would give an 80 for accessibility and content. The Jacobs site has the phone number in the top-right corner along with its location, hours, and a 24/7 emergency service request button. It also has its location and contact information repeated in the footer section of the site. Both of these are important because consumers expect to find this information in these locations.
“I would give a 90 for identity and trust. The About Us section of does a fantastic job of communicating trust. The site earns extra points for having a detailed history of the company and pictures with bios for the management team as well as their techs, or ‘consultants,’ as the company refers to them. The site could score some additional trust points by translating some of the elements found in the About Us section into quickly digestible graphics placed above the fold on other pages of the site.
“Jacobs gets a score of 72 for findability. While it has unique pages for most — if not all — of its individual services, many of its pages lack significant text-based content, and its site does not have any geographically targeted pages. The result is lackluster visibility in the organic search results for roughly 3,000 keywords related to its business and the geographic area it serves.
“The company’s site has started down the path of using testimonials on the right-hand side of its individual service pages. Even adding payment forms accepted with the Visa and MasterCard logos to the header and footer sections of the site would be worth testing.”
— Ben Landers, president and CEO, Blue Corona
Publication date: 5/12/2014
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