The visit was an outgrowth of HARDI’s Congressional Fly-In when Heat Controller’s Jerry Troke, vice president of marketing and product development, and Doug Johnson, director of sales for unitary/geothermal products, had the opportunity to meet Rep. Walberg and invited him to visit the company headquarters when he was back in the district.
During Walberg’s visit, Troke, Johnson, and Mike Delwiche, vice president of sales, reiterated HARDI’s legislative agenda, sharing among other issues information on how the uncoordinated regulatory demands of Energy Star® and the Department of Energy directly affect the HVAC industry. Extension of geothermal energy tax credits beyond 2016 was discussed as an incentive that would lower energy consumption while benefiting the manufacturing sector.
Of special interest was the press conference appearance in Washington of HARDI member Karen Madonia, Illco Inc., Aurora, Ill., regarding repeal of the estate tax and the effects it would have on HVAC and related industries. Rep. Walberg is a co-sponsor of the House version of the bill.
Additionally, the Heat Controller team shared information about the company and its products, and talked about ways they might serve in an advisory capacity on HVAC and energy-related topics.
The afternoon visit concluded with a tour of the Jackson, Mich., facility.
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