It’s been popping in my email for a few weeks now, but after finally reading the details of anUnleashWDannouncement the dawn came. This could be where distribution innovation goes to create the next revolutionary step in wholesale distribution.

After the organization’s advisory council announced the speaker line up for its upcoming conference on Oct. 29-30 in Chicago, I had just one thought, “Where is the HVAC speaker?”

That’s right, I said it. The HVAC distribution industry should be sitting at the table of wholesale distribution innovation. Whether large or small, it seems that each distributor would be working to find new ways to improve their daily business practices. Some have likely already made ground breaking changes that no one really knows about except them and their supply chain partners. Others might still be working out the kinks, but I would say it is a safe bet that some distributor, somewhere in the HVAC distribution industry, is being innovative.

The question is; who wants to go? Are there any volunteers? Perhaps we should send a contingency of HVAC distribution innovators to be the ambassadors for our industry this fall. Check out the details and think about it. While you’re thinking, leave your latest innovation thoughts in the comment section below. Scroll down to the grey bar and register or log in. It's a one time thing and then our conversations can begin.