WASHINGTON — HARDI presented its Small Business Champion Award to Rep. Cory Gardner. The award, given to elected officials who promote and protect the interests of small businesses, was presented to congressman Gardner during the HARDI 2014 Congressional Fly-In in Washington, by Royce Henderson, HARDI president and a Colorado Springs resident.

Henderson, who is also president of Charles D. Jones Co., stated that HARDI selected Gardner for the award due to his bipartisan efforts to promote energy efficiency, his work to limit the affect of regulations on small businesses, and his efforts to fix the health care system.

“At a time when Americans are frustrated with the gridlock in Washington, Cory Gardner stands out as someone who cares first and foremost about delivering for the people of Colorado and small businesses across this country,” said Henderson.

“Congressman Gardner has talked the talk and walked the walk when it comes to working across the aisle to develop smart policies regarding energy and natural resources," said Talbot Gee, HARDI executive vice-president and COO. "He also understands the importance of fixing our broken tax code so businesses can continue to invest and workers can take home a little more of their hard earned money.”

The congressman noted that he was honored to accept the award and commented on the legislative efforts of HARDI.

“HARDI has done great work advocating for their companies, most of which are small businesses who are struggling under the weight of overly burdensome regulations from this Administration," said congressman Gardner. "I look forward to continuing my work with HARDI to keep America’s small businesses thriving.”

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