HARDI Names Saving Executive Vice President
Saving will run the organization’s day-to-day operations

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Heating, Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI) promoted Emily Saving to executive vice president.
Saving will oversee the day-to-day operations of HARDI and serve as the staff liaison on HARDI’s Refrigeration and HVAC Councils. She most recently served as HARDI's vice president of services and operations and has been with the organization since January 2012.
"I am honored to expand upon my service to HARDI membership in this new capacity,” she said. “Our staff will continue to advance the industry in a meaningful way and aim to make the value of HARDI membership invaluable.”
Talbot Gee, CEO, HARDI, believes Saving will help HARDI become stronger on the operations side.
“Emily will be running the day-to-day operations of the organization,” he said. “The two divisions that she and Jon [Melchi] respectively oversaw will report to Emily. She’s also taking on the staff liaison role of HVAC and refrigeration councils as those are the ones that are most directly tied to the core business activities of our members.
“Emily is empowered to grow and develop our staff and how we're going to expand into the future,” Gee continued. “This role fits perfectly with her skill set, and we’re in a great position going forward.”
For more information, visit www.hardinet.org.
Publication date: 12/09/17