Most of us are familiar with our country’s holidays and special events, whether it’s New Year’s, Easter, Memorial Day, or Labor Day.

For savvy HVAC contractors, there is a less commonly known special day — Oct. 24, Recycle Your Mercury Thermostat Day — that you can use to promote your services. Smart marketers can use this date to draw attention to the need to replace and safely recycle mercury-containing thermostats.


• Marketing

• Thermostats

TRC created the day in 2019 as part of its marketing efforts and submitted it to Chase’s Calendar of Events, the unofficial book of special events and days.

Its acceptance as a “special day” by its inclusion into Chase’s “calendar” gives the day a particular cachet value and official recognition that national news organizations recognize. The calendar is also responsible for special days in September that include National Mushroom Month, Happy Cat Month, and Be Kind to Editors and Writers Month.

Here are a few ideas that contractor can use to prime the marketing pump in their locations:

  • Write a press release explaining the benefits of safely recycling a mercury-containing thermostat. Explain that it removes a hazardous element from the environment. Stress that because mercury is an element, it cannot be destroyed nor dumped in your trash.
  • Include a photo of what a common mercury-containing thermostat looks like.
  • Include an explanation of why a programmable or smart thermostat can provide added choices and better temperature control, resulting in more options and increased cost savings.
  • Send the press release to your local TV and radio stations. These days, many have a “tip” line or link to use to send your idea for a potential news story. Offer a person on your staff to talk about thermostats. Remember, you are explaining how thermostats function to a general audience. You don’t have to be an expert, but as an HVAC technician, you already know more than the average person and can answer any questions that an interviewer might ask.
  • Add daily and weekly or neighborhood newspapers to the mix of where to send the press release. Local weekly newspapers (both print and digital) are often especially open to using a press release.
  • Offer the audience a free inspection of their thermostat if they’re unsure about whether it contains mercury.
  • Piggyback on TRC’s effort. We will issue a nationally distributed press release on Oct. 24 to which you can refer in your marketing efforts.
  • Repetitive marketing. The beauty of having an “official” day as the backdrop to your marketing efforts is that you can use it every year. (Until, of course, we find and safely recycle that last mercury-containing thermostat.)

We created and launched Recycle Your Mercury Thermostat Day to draw attention to our mission. Now that we’ve established this special day, our contractor partners can share in our efforts to help safeguard the environment and help boost their business’s image.