In today’s economy, people are becoming a little more cautious when it comes to what they choose to spend their money on. Especially when it’s a big-ticket item. So, if a homeowner is presented with the option to save a few pennies and put that purchase off for a bit longer, a lot of them might opt for that by going for an HVAC system repair rather than a replacement. At least, up until a certain threshold is met. And that threshold is if the cost of the repair is at least 30-50% of the cost to replace. That’s according to a new study conducted by the research unit of BNP Media, myCLEARopinion Insights Hub, in conjunction with The ACHR NEWS. The study also shows a discrepancy when it comes to smaller shops, they are actually more likely to replace down at the 30% threshold. While updated HVAC can save money overtime with the reduction of utility costs, to most people, that means nothing. All they see is a big purchase. But if a contractor can get the homeowner to understand, consumers might pull the trigger sooner.

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