Over the years, the programs SMOHIT offers have evolved beyond basic job site health and safety and today also encompass mental health strategies and resources.
The SNIPS NEWS 2022 contractor of the year, B&I Contractors, has an innovative solution for shipping a high volume of prefabricated duct out a sheet metal shop in Fort Myers, Florida.
This comprehensive site operates as a one-stop-shop for visitors to explore how ventilation, airflow and indoor air quality impact schools, homes and office settings.
Kline, a second-generation sheet metal worker, graduated the sheet metal apprenticeship in 2020 and worked to gain the knowledge and skills to be hired as a part-time instructor at her alma mater, Sheet Metal Workers Local 33.
The Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association (SMACNA) reacted quickly to OSHA’s request for public comment on new heat stress rules