Austin Keating is the special section editor of SNIPS NEWS at The ACHR NEWS. He covers sheet metal, mechanical contractors, duct cleaning, testing and balancing, steel, building information modeling (BIM) and architecture, engineering and construction (AEC). Prior to joining BNP Media, he served as field editor for Prairie Farmer and media specialist at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. Email him at
Map: Check out the 20 cities surveyed by Upwind, who relied on data from real estate firm JLL to determine where data center capacity is going to increase the most.
The heat data centers generate can be captured and repurposed to provide heating for nearby buildings or communities, Vikas Anand of Danfoss tells ES NEWS.
“The installation went extremely well, and the units have been working without fail through the first year of the facility being in use,” said Project Manager Parker Touchton.
The modular nature of packaged systems lends itself to customization, says Jim Wilkinson, Americas Product Manager for packaged systems at Xylem company Bell & Gossett