Whether it’s you, a sales manager, an outside firm, or even your lead salesperson, having a solid and standardized sales process is key to avoiding mistakes and maintaining your brand’s trust.
If customers don’t trust or like a salesperson, they will buy elsewhere, whether they’re purchasing a pack of gum at a convenience store or modernizing an HVAC system.
Normal marketing techniques can work when it comes to the earning the business of first-time homebuyers, but their young age plays a role in what they’re really looking for when it comes to an HVAC company.
In the latest episode of The NEWSMakers podcast, Hannah Belloli, business management editor for The ACHR NEWS, talks to Ben Merrifield, who was featured in NEWS' 2022 Top 40 Under 40 list.
A residential HVAC contractor turned his life around through the goal of opening a company of his own customers could actually trust — and he succeeded.
We rarely buy anything without getting a receipt, except in HVAC. Your customers need to know there is a way for them to receive proof that what they paid for is what you delivered.