As AI continues to prove itself as more than just a fad, businesses should be harnessing its power to increase efficiencies and improve customer experiences.
“Technology’s not going to solve everything, but you need to know how to use it,” Nelson Valderrama, CEO of Intuilize, told HVACR distribution professionals during the recent Heating, Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Distributors International conference.
One of the major challenges in the heat pump sector is the gap between heating and cooling loads: in other words, winters are colder than summers are hot, and technology needs to handle the difference.
Software company Bluon is betting that artificial intelligence, or AI, can help solve the labor shortage — and pass along decades of knowledge from retiring HVAC techs to the next generation.
AI tools, such as Bluon’s MasterMechanic, could make a big dent in another aspect of the labor issue: the wisdom lost as older, highly skilled workers leave the industry.
Integration of remote monitoring, custom notifications, and remote control in commercial refrigeration is enhancing efficiency and ensuring food safety, while helping businesses stay competitive.