The energy dedicated from this solar facility, coupled with the power the city receives from NV Energy that already satisfies the state’s renewable portfolio standard, would allow the city of Las Vegas’ retail load to be served 100 percent by renewable energy.
The Home Energy Renovation Opportunity (HERO) program administered by San Diego-based Renovate America has launched a new award for contractors who work with the program to install energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water-conserving technology in homes.
The city of Las Vegas and NV Energy have announced a new partnership that, upon approval of a filing to the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada and ratification by the Las Vegas City Council, will dedicate to city operations a portion of energy produced by a local solar facility currently in development.
The city of Las Vegas and NV Energy have announced a new partnership that, upon approval of a filing to the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada and ratification by the Las Vegas City Council, will dedicate to city operations a portion of energy produced by a local solar facility currently in development.
This year has brought a significant shift in the generating cost comparison between renewable energy and fossil fuels, according to an analysis by technology and region published by Bloomberg New Energy Finance.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $5 million in funding to 11 states to advance innovative approaches for local clean energy development. Each state will design and deploy programs to advance energy efficiency and renewable energy.
BSRIA recently launched its findings on the latest Traditional and Renewable Heating World Markets Analysis (May 2015), publishing 80 reports for 22 countries as part of its World Multi-Client Study.
Saginaw Plaza Ltd. signed a $437,000 energy savings performance contract (ESPC) with Ameresco to upgrade its facility in Lansing, Michigan, with energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements.
Detroit Renewable Energy (DRE), owner and operator of the downtown Detroit district energy steam system, was honored by the International District Energy Association (IDEA) as a recipient of the Gold District Energy Award in the Most Square Feet Added in North America Award category for the 2014 business year.
As demand and support for energy efficiency, long-term cost reductions, and other benefits provided by solar installations grow, so does concern over how solar will look after current federal tax credits expire at the end of 2016.