Synergy Solution Group announced two new board members, the winner of the 2022 Tim Hartigan Loving Heart Award, and the winner of the 2022 Sam De Angelis Peer of the Year Award.
Danfoss acquired a new president this summer when Rick Sporrer moved into the position that was vacated by John Galyen, who retired after serving as president of Danfoss North America since 2011.
Prokeep announced the recent appointment of board member, Scott Wolfe Jr., in addition to new Vice President of Product, Bryan Hjelm, and Vice President of Sales, Derek Halpern.
XOi Technologies announced the addition of chief financial officer Leon Weiss and chief product officer Jeff Grisenthwaite to the company’s leadership team.
Gavin Hale joined the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) as vice president in charge of business development, PERC president and CEO Tucker Perkins announced.