Taking a look at the major concerns around replacing an 80% furnace with a high-efficiency one such as venting requirements, drilling extra holes, and financial costs.
Gripple fast trak installs quicker than traditional suspension systems, Baltimore Aircoil Company Inc. reinvents heat-rejection and Griplock Systems offers looping gripper.
San Diego International Airport and The East Village Brewing Co. have released two beers made with purified condensate collected through the airport’s water stewardship program.
If you are a plumber or a trade professional who actively promotes the use of high-efficiency, condensing equipment, you should be equally energetic in treating discharge coming from this equipment with some sort of neutralization.
With a booth that occupied some impressive floor space in the Expo’s North Hall, DiversiTech, along with six of its acquired brands, highlighted several products, successfully capturing the attention of many Expo attendees.