All jokes aside, there’s a saying that I have on repeat as a business coach. “The answer to your problem is somewhere close by, you just need to know where to look.”
If you find yourself scratching your head wondering how to deal with slow days that seem to drag on into eternity, or how to make your checking account positive again, you’re not alone.
Like any worthwhile activity, this should start with a plan. I recommend creating a monthly schedule of who you will ride along with and when. Be realistic about the time you can commit and stick to it.
When we hear the word wealth, we tend to think only of monetary value. Additionally, however, I’d like to explore two additional forms of wealth: informational and influential wealth.
Many consumers find the time to inquire about non-emergency services on the weekends or at the end of a long workday. This is a great reason to have web-based lead generation. Your business will be able to capture these inquiries, when a standard phone call may not be the best solution for busy consumers.
I believe that, for the most part, people in our industry do an excellent job initially earning the opportunity to help our clients. We even go as far as convincing them to enter a committed relationship with us. We make promises much like that of marriage vows. However, like many frayed marriages, I often notice that the customer holds up their end of the deal, and yet we as contractors fall short.
I didn't invent the rule. I discovered it during my Nexstar interview process with Jack Tester and Julian Scadden. I immediately discovered what makes Nexstar so much different than the majority of other organizations.
Every year, the majority of us—some studies suggest over 90 percent—make plans for the New Year. These resolutions may include breaking old habits, going to the gym, making more money, growing our business and team, or becoming a better version of ourselves. However, the reality is very few stick to these resolutions.
What leeway do your customer service, dispatchers, and inside sales reps have at their disposal when it comes to recovering revenue for your organization?
It’s becoming more and more important to maximize every opportunity to gain a customer. It’s just as important to save every customer that you can, especially if it means keeping them from going to your competition.