Have you ever found yourself frustrated with trying to get your techs to implement a new process or hit performance targets? Have you thought, “I don’t know what else to do; I’ve trained them, I’ve told them, I’ve asked them, and I’ve even begged them, but they still won’t do it?” If so, keep reading; we’re going to discuss this issue.
While new HVAC technologies offer a wealth of contracting opportunities, technicians are challenged to learn new terminologies, methodologies, design techniques, installation best practices, and service and maintenance skills before presenting the equipment in the field.
Whatever the ratio between journeymen and apprentices might be, and however that ratio is determined, the one constant is the need for adequate training for all HVACR service personnel working on a job site.
Ongoing training, a variety of incentives, and extraordinary incentives are all tools that help build a successful contracting business. And, employees attest, Miller’s guidance, leadership, and craftsmanship help make Snyder Air Conditioning one of America’s Best Contractors to Work For.
The conference is an industry-supported event designed to provide instructors, industry trainers, and administrators of apprentice and secondary/post-secondary instructional programs with technical information and teaching techniques that will enable them to train the next generation of skilled workers for the HVACR and plumbing industries.
The Workforce Development Foundation has been meeting informally for more than 10 years to discuss industry issues like government relations and association concerns.
While plenty of attention needs to be spent making sure students know what a great industry HVAC is to work in, it is also imperative the industry give the same amount of attention to training those interested in making HVAC their career.
Graham Wright, the new president of heating and cooling manufacturers’ group HEVAC has called on the industry to tackle skills shortages and to keep supporting training, if it is to meet the challenge of increasing legislation.
Instruction has progressed toward a myriad of technologies, many times in conjunction with each other, to teach students and techs, whether the instructors and students are in the same room or not.