Bradford White Corp. is celebrating the 30th anniversary of its commitment to manufacturing its Built to be the Best products for professional installation only.
This sprawling family resort, wedding venue, and hunting preserve, equipped with heated pools, spas, natatoriums, and main residencies, has Keefer Rader to thank for its continued success and preservation. And of course, hydronics.
As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This is especially true when a replacing a thermostatic expansion valve (TXV).
With the shortage of trained HVAC technicians, universal HVAC parts are part of the solution, according to some contractors. These universal parts include hot surface ignitors, which offer the added benefit of taking up minimal truck inventory space.
Many in our industry believe the duct material used in an installation determines how well the HVAC system moves air. The issue isn’t the material type, it’s how we install the product.