The U.S. Green Building Council named Emile Lauzzana director of community for Michigan, ASHRAE and IES revised their 90.2-2007R residential energy standard, and more.
Panasonic Corp. and Schneider Electric announced they are partnering to provide an integrated HVAC equipment and building management solution that brings new levels of HVAC control and energy efficiency to today’s commercial buildings.
ACCA recently held back-to-back training events in Cincinnati where hundreds of contracting leaders from across the country met to learn, network, and grow their businesses.
U.S. District Judge Amos Mazzant III of the Eastern District of Texas imposed an injunction against the rule Tuesday at the request of 21 states and several business groups.
The Texas Technology Park is expected to employ more than 5,000 people as part of Daikin’s global commitment to support in-country design, engineering, and assembly.
Airmaster Fan Co. moved its headquarters to Clarklake, Michigan, and introduced a new company logo, Danfoss named Lars Rasmussen vice president of heat exchangers, and more.