The new 1,600-square-foot location on the 42nd floor was conceived and designed as a learning and sharing center where contractors, architects, engineers, building owners, and others can come together to collaborate and share experiences.
Yes! ranks No. 1 in the average rank across three key metrics including: $0 in work compensation expenses for this year, a perfect score in its DriveCam coaching effectiveness, and a perfect audit score, making the company the safest branch in the West Division of ARS.
The national NSA construction unemployment rate of 5.2 percent was 0.3 percent lower than a year ago, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
This year’s CONNECT also featured the inaugural Quality Service Contractors (QSC) Business Excellence Day, an event made to highlight the unique programming and services of PHCC’s QSC, a one-day track that was aimed at owners and senior managers and focused on service and repair topics, and more.
In 2014, an accident turned Gagot’s life upside down. He was pulling shutters off a second-story window, when he slipped and fell off of a ladder. As a result, he broke his neck and damaged his spinal cord at the C-5 vertebrae.
The Center of Excellence Award honors buildings with unique sustainable and energy-cost-reducing green designs, such as UPA’s recently developed 98,000-square-foot 2.0 University Place in Philadelphia’s surging University City green building corridor.