The market is being driven by rising HVACR deployments, increasing power-generation capacity, and technological advances in cooling towers. Asia-Pacific is expected to witness strong growth in the next five years. The demand across the region is reinforced by the emerging markets, namely China and India.
Thermostat Recycling Corp. names Ryan Kiscaden executive director; NAFA to host 2016 Technical Seminar April 6-8 in Phoenix; more HVAC organization news briefs.
ARLINGTON, Va. — At the 2015 Heating, Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI) Annual Conference in Orlando, Fla., North American Technician Excellence (NATE) recognized nine HARDI member companies for their outstanding efforts to promote NATE technician certification in the HVACR industry.
COLUMBUS, Ohio — The Heating, Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI) Foundation has awarded three scholarships to cover members’ registration costs to attend the University of Industrial Distribution (UID) March 2016 in Indianapolis.
CHICAGO — Heating, Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI) has signed on as an Alliance Partner with Industrial Careers Pathway® (ICP) effective Jan. 1.
ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Thermostat Recycling Corp. (TRC) announced that Johnstone Supply, US Air Conditioning Distributors, Johnson Supply and Auer Steel have been named the 2015 Big Man on Planet (BMOP) winners. The annual competition among Heating, Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI) members took place May 1 – Oct. 31 and recovered 432 pounds of mercury from collected thermostats, a 71 percent increase from 2014.
Last summer, HARDI held a casting call for the industry’s top performers and rising stars younger than 40 years of age. HARDI members across the country nominated the top talent among wholesalers, manufacturers and affiliated vendors to create the first-ever list of HARDI’s best and brightest.
Here’s how I know I’ll never make it as a politician: I’m keeping my promises. On the night I became HARDI president, I made a commitment to everyone. I said I believed in the importance of training – specifically HARDI’s training resources – so passionately that I was going to start calling members who aren’t taking advantage of this monumental opportunity in HARDI’s repertoire.