ASHRAE will offer a new course, “Variable Refrigerant Flow System Design & Application,” as one of its 11 offerings in its Spring Online Course Series; more HVAC organization news briefs.
The Governor’s Business Ambassador Award is presented to individuals and businesses in recognition of their efforts to create jobs and opportunities for Florida families.
The new name reflects Taco’s long experience and commitment to providing optimal indoor comfort while pursuing the highly efficient products that save energy and resources.
The two groups took this action following lengthy discussions on the importance of moving beyond high-GWP (global warming potential) refrigerants used in chillers and consideration of factors, such as the safety of alternatives, the continued improvement of system efficiency, reasonable product development timelines, and the avoidance of market migration. The effective date was negotiated with those factors in mind.
The crystal award rotates each year and is therefore accompanied by a Soaring Eagle plaque that the winning sales representative company will keep. Last year’s winners, Halfpenny Sales, turned in the crystal award for this year’s event.
Chairman Lamar Smith, R-Texas, called the hearing to examine the issue of “midnight” regulations that often appear during the last few months of a president’s term.