As wholesalers, we work and promote two-step distribution, and our core customer group is composed of professional HVAC and refrigeration contractors that do commercial and industrial work and some residential. We do not sell to end users, and that makes us probably one of the very few true wholesalers in Mexico.
During this past year, I read “The Power of Habit,” a marvelous book by Charles Duhigg. Boiling it down, he says you can create habits to achieve goals, almost regardless of the purpose. Create the habit, adhere to it, and you have a greater chance of achieving your goal. The book resonated with me because it seemed like a simple way to improve and become more efficient without immersing myself in a great deal of complexity.
Distribution Center magazine recently interviewed Zeiad Hussein, founder of National Equipment Parts, a new online presence in our marketplace. His view of our industry and the role his company will play in it, provides for an interesting discussion of our future.
The 2017 ASHRAE Winter Conference takes place Jan. 28-Feb. 1 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas with the co-sponsored AHR Expo being held Jan. 30-Feb. 1 at the Las Vegas Convention Center.
The aroma was leadership, and the main course was a cast of experts who shared advice with HARDI members and provided an overview of topics that could help them become more effective leaders at its Strategic Leadership Conference Oct. 2-4 in Newport, Rhode Island. The following is an overview of who presented and what they shared.
The deficit under current law is projected to be larger this year, but smaller over the 2017 – 2026 period, than CBO projected in March. Since January, CBO has reduced its projections of GDP growth and interest rates over the coming decade.