The more we can analyze potential problems with equipment used in different types of system designs, the better we can assist our clients in design reviews
There are many design aspects that are evaluated early in project development to help foresee potential problems that may arise during test & balance (TAB).
Whether you’re looking to flag risks, track value streams, monitor scope and boundaries, process mapping is, if not the answer, then certainly a step in the right direction.
Longtime sheet metal worker, John Wilson, has been chosen as a field representative by the International Training Institute (ITI), the education arm of the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation (SMART) workers.
Now in its 8th year, the HVAC Trade-Pro of the Year Award recognizes and celebrates exceptional HVAC technicians who are committed to doing great work, focused on on-the-job safety, and give back to their communities.
A longtime member of SMART Local 12 in Western Pennsylvania, Liebert joined the apprenticeship to become a second-generation sheet metal worker in 1989, shortly after graduating from Pennsylvania State University.
As a reminder, the OSHA 300A summary of 2023 recordable cases needs to be posted and available for employee review from February 1 through April 30, 2024.
The SNIPS NEWS Sheet Metal Fabrication Contractor of the Year in 2023, Silicon Valley Mechanical, embodies a ‘constant improvement’ mindset – leading to new opportunities
Slideshow: SVM's ability to still prioritize the wellbeing and sustainability of its workforce while multiplying the business it does every year has earned the shopthe SNIPS NEWS Contractor of the Year award in 2023.
In the sheet metal and HVAC industry, safety is not a choice; it's a responsibility. OSHA compliance is not merely a regulatory requirement; it's a commitment, writes SNIPS NEWS Safety Contributor Mike McCullion.