Implementation of a mix of effective leading indicators and prerequisite lagging indicators can benefit the company safety and health program as well as contribute to a successful, on-going corporate safety culture.
Given the rise in acquisitions of foreign companies in the US metal manufacturing industry, collaboration between design managers and shop floor engineers is becoming extremely difficult.
Whether it’s a pendant, clipped to the pocket or belt, etc. picking a wearable device (mPERS device) that makes the most sense for HVAC workers’ specific needs is an important part of taking advantage of all of the safety benefits that can potentially help save lives and improve the health of HVAC workers.
Each October, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) sponsors Fire Prevention Week and this year (October 9-15) marks the 100th anniversary of this important program.
The TABB Hall of Fame was created in 2003 to recognize and honor deserving individuals for their dedicated service to TABB. Clark was selected as the 19th honoree.
Now 89, Borzillo was recently named to the Metal Construction Hall of Fame, a prestigious industry award granted to individuals who have significantly impacted the metal construction industry through their innovation, efforts and leadership.
Kocurek was instrumental in passing the Fire Safe Standards (SB143) in New Mexico, requiring International Certification Board/Testing Adjusting and Balancing Bureau (ICB-TABB) certified American National Standards Institute (ANSI) accredited workers into building specs.