While many contractors are still hesitant to try refrigerant sealants, Brothers Air, Heat & Plumbing trained its service techs not only in proper application, but also how to market sealants to customers with leaking equipment. When the recession hit hard, Brothers policy of using sealants positioned them to not only retain customers, but add to profitability.
Their last service call is continued as Bob and Btu Buddy meet for lunch at the restaurant where the call occurred to discuss dew point. The duct through the dining room was dripping because the duct surface temperature was below the dew point temperature of the room and moisture formed on the duct surface.
More and more companies are turning to social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter as a new means of advertising their products and services, especially to those tough to reach young people. But if it’s showing up in this column, you can guess there must be risk involved.
Through its Advanced Reciprocating Engine Systems (ARES) program, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Industrial Technologies Program (ITP) seeks to help industry take advantage of reduced natural gas prices by introducing options for engine development for distributed energy and combined heat and power (CHP) applications.
The Frito-Lay plant in Killingly, Conn., has installed a combined heat and power (CHP) system designed to help remove it from the Northeast power grid. Located in a region with severe electrical transmission constraints, Frito-Lay saw CHP as a potential opportunity for achieving near-term energy efficiency improvements and reducing emissions.
The word “salesman” has earned the ill-fated reputation of being someone who can’t (or shouldn’t) be trusted. But business is based on sales, so what’s a business owner to do? My advice is stop calling them salespeople. Expert, advisor, or specialist are much better choices when it comes to labeling our employees.
We probably heard it many times growing up, the old adage that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. When it comes to your customer’s HVAC system, preventive maintenance not only increases the life of the system, improves energy efficiency, and reduces pollutants, but it also saves homeowners money.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) notes that industrial buildings employ energy-intensive systems to heat, ventilate, air condition, light, and otherwise support processes and personnel. These industrial facilities present a unique opportunity to save energy by recovering energy and/or water from industrial processes.
Abengoa Solar is building large-scale parabolic trough solar installations in Arizona and New York. The hot water produced at the Arizona plant will be used in the treatment of contaminated water. In the New York application, solar energy will deliver heating, cooling, and humidity control for the manufacturing facilities at a piano factory.
The best of intentions can often lead to the worst of results. Technology can be a particularly problematic issue, especially when it comes to the areas of ergonomic issues and add-on (or aftermarket) equipment. If used incorrectly, these types of equipment can lead to sprains, strains, or even more serious injuries.